Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Geiseric

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Wow, that database downtime kicked you out of the usergroup for some reason. Oh well, welcome back in.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    For strategic reasons, you need to get a couple of things straight, fast.

    First, a party based on the trade unions is exactly the emulation of British Labourism, no matter how reformist or otherwise. German Social Democracy was never based on the trade unions, and links were only established in the mid-1900s, coinciding with its degeneration. Compromise-wise:

    Second, Trotsky's United Front failed to take into account the soc-dems working in some anti-communist front with liberals and conservatives. This is what I refer to as the Democratic Front, which is distinct from People's/Popular Fronts.
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    No, not quite. Democratic Front /= Popular Front. The Democratic Front is just the mainstream.

    [Read: The SPD didn't want to work with the KPD.]
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Ah, but did the inter-war SPD maintain the workers-only voting membership policy? That's my response to your response. Also, look up "Democratic Front."
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    "Even in 1930" is the key to the comrade's statement below. Look up the "Democratic Front," and you might be convinced that the "social fascism" line back then and especially the Social Corporatist line today were and are valid.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Things tend to degenerate quickly when there's not enough political awareness.
  7. Geiseric
    huh, I assumed such things wouldn't be decided FOR anybody but at the request of the proletariat.
  8. Die Neue Zeit
    Public policy is the basis for things being legislated into statutory law or becoming regulations. For example, health and safety regulations in today's workplaces are the result of political struggles for public policy and more on this issue.
  9. Geiseric
    I see, however what do you mean by "Public Policies,"?
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    My position is that mainly because getting people to think about public policy early enough is a must. Without this experience beforehand, there will be a democratic deficit within the working class that will be almost impossible to overcome (i.e., let some small group form our public policies for us).
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