Conversation Between Drosophila and l'Enfermé

  1. You really need to grow up.
  2. >calls Q out on his profile
    >Q replies in a respectful manner and destroys "argument"
    >delete the evidence and whine about spamming
  3. Would be less surprised if you espoused those views, considering your past outbursts.
  4. Q even admits to being an anti-feminist. Infamy!
  5. Yes comrade I agree with you. Q is a hypocrite and a coward and the CPGB support patriarchy and hate women.
  6. Awww. He didn't, though. Did Grenzy teach you that?
  7. He took up Stalinist rhetoric and praxis beginning in the 1920s - going on about such things as "Trotskyite terrorists" and "counter-revolutionaries."
  8. I don't have any "Stalinists" in my avatar. That there is Felix Dzerzhinsky.
  9. Why do you have that Stalinist pig in your avatar?
  10. Thank you comrade.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12