Conversation Between Charles Xavier and Holden Caulfield

  1. cool, its not that I assumed your support or anything (its not like I need the votes atm either) but I was a little "wtf" when i saw you voted no
  2. I thought I voted yes.
  3. may i ask why you vote against me? be brutal I won't hold it against you (seriously).

    it seems odd that you vote against me when I have been one of your biggest defenders in the CC...
  4. your in
  5. as soon as an admin puts you in, you won the vote so you just gotta wait for one of them lot to make it so
  6. thanks comrade, when am I officially in?
  7. Welcome to the CC, its a whole new world or petty arguments, abuse and drama, Tis a wonderful place

  8. I knew it.
  9. "Say Holden, you're a pretty good Stalinist right?"
    just noticed this one, haha
    i am the best of Stalinists me
  10. from Georgi Dimitrov, he lead the Bulgarian General Trade Unions, the Comintern, and the Bulgarian Communist Party. He was a very intelligent comrade, the Nazis put him on trial for the burning of the Reictstag, and he turned the trial around and made the Nazis guilty of the crime. Very sharp comrade of the time, he contributed a very important line to replace the ultra-leftist sectarian line concerning social democracy and created the thesis of the United Front. He even suggested that the communists in germany inflitrate the hitler youth movement and use everything possible to get at the fascists.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11