Conversation Between Paulappaul and Dunk

  1. Paulappaul
    Immediate relief is a dangerous route. At what point does relief end and revolution begin? If your organization is dedicated to relief, then tomorrow the revolution begins how does an organization deal with this? Switching over is hard and takes a long time. We don't know when revolutions happen, they are sudden. Alot of times while we're in them we don't realize that it is the revolution.

    Plus Feeding the proletariat with the idea that we can reform the system while at the same time calling for revolution seems a bit confusing. Espcially when immediate relief means basically, humane exploitation, but exploitation none the less.

    Industrial Unionism has been adopted by my most Unions these days. Including the AFL-CIO. What makes you think they are revolutionary?
  2. Dunk
    Like I said, I started discussing the issue of unions in the "The IWW is Coming" thread with some other people in IRC, and I wanted to apologize about my hostile response to you in that thread. I was reminded of how dismally unreliable unions have been within recent memory for even the marginal relief and defense which organized workers rely on them for. But shouldn't immediate relief be supported as well as emancipation? I'm also unconvinced that industrial unionism isn't potentially revolutionary.
  3. Dunk
    Like I said, I started discussing the issue of unions in the "The IWW is Coming" thread with some other people in IRC, and I wanted to apologize about my hostile response to you in that thread. I was reminded of how dismally unreliable unions have been within recent memory for even the marginal relief and defense which organized workers rely on them for. But shouldn't immediate relief be supported as well as emancipation? I'm also unconvinced that industrial unionism isn't potentially revolutionary.
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