Conversation Between Paul Pott and Ismail

  1. Ismail

    This is probably the most detailed analysis. Other works of interest are:
    * (although the author tends to automatically equate socialism with an absence of the market, which the former work avoids)
  2. I'd like some works from a Marxist-Leninist perspective about the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union?
  3. Ismail
    Molotov flat-out stated in the 70's that Beria claimed he "saved" everyone by killing him, so yes.
  4. Do you believe that Beria assassinated Stalin?
  5. Ismail
    See J. Arch Getty's Origins of the Great Purges. There is also a more recent work, Terror and Democracy in the Age of Stalin by Wendy Z. Goldman.
  6. "Considering that 1936-38 saw mass worker participation (both in the country's elections and within the factories), as well as the strengthening of democratic norms within the party, obviously it was a positive step in the struggle for the defense of socialism."

    More info on this?
  7. Heil Vozhd Ismail!
  8. Ismail
    It is a good read.
  9. I recently purchased Khrushchev Lied, and it is very interesting. Would you recommend The Political Thought of Joseph Stalin by Erik Van Ree? Unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy a new book at the moment.
  10. Ismail
    Joseph Göbbels.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 39