Conversation Between Comrade_Stalin and ind_com

  1. Comrade_Stalin
    Central Planning is key to a classless society, the only difference in my view and that of other ML is that I replace the Utopian unreal world view of a moneyless economy, with a real world working one.
  2. ind_com
    Okay. Why do you replace the demand of a classless society by mere central planning?
  3. Comrade_Stalin
    No, it is been developed over series of debates both online and off. I mainly came to these conclusions after trying to answer several questions that stumped me. Combine those with the debates I went through to answer them I get my current line of thinking.
  4. ind_com
    Hello. I just read your post in the ML group. Do you base your understanding of socialism and communism on any particular text?
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