Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Mass Grave Aesthetics

  1. Mass Grave Aesthetics
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    They haven't posted updates in recent years, though.
  3. Mass Grave Aesthetics
    Someone (I think it was Grenzer) mentioned them in one of those "Leninism that is not trotskyist or stalinist" threads that pop up from time to time. I took a look at their website and have been reading their stuff. I think most of their material is quite impressive and I agree with them most of the time, even more than with the left- comm orgs I´m familiar with. What is your view of them?
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Communist Voice? How did you come across that paper?
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    The PDF was published in full in the usergroup, comrade. If you have $5 or so, it's on here too:

    Or you can PM me for e-mail arrangements, since I have the PDF.
  6. Mass Grave Aesthetics
    Thank you for the book recommendation. I think I will get my hands on it when I´ll have time to read it and some surplus money to spend on books (might be a few months). Do you know if CPGB/Weekly Worker has it available as a pdf? Anything immediately available online which you recommend I check out in the meantime?
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    No worries. Sometimes the heat of argument can break down level heads.

    "We may however disagree about the methods towards that goal. I really don´t pretend to have the answers, but I don´t have much hope in the left at the moment."

    This book should help:

    I strongly urge you to check it out. I can certainly say that left communism, libertarian Marxism, etc. may have good "theory," but are woefully short on revolutionary strategy.
  8. Mass Grave Aesthetics
    Actually Mr. Zeit, I think I owe you an apology. I´ve for a long time been frustrated by all those hobby- bureaucrats and lifestyle- activists who make up the bulk of the contemporary left. The type of folks who are more conscerned about their petty sects than actual working class interests. I may have unfairly and hastily lumped you in this category, but that in itself does not excuse my conduct towards you. I could well have chosen more respectful and honest ways to express my disagreements with you. So I sincerely apologize to you for all ad- hominems and disrespectful behavior towards you.
    As a matter of fact, I actually agree with you about the necessity of unity of marxist theory & praxis and the workers movement as a whole, because if it is not a part the workers movement it´s futile. We may however disagree about the methods towards that goal. I really don´t pretend to have the answers, but I don´t have much hope in the left at the moment.
  9. Mass Grave Aesthetics
    Are you asking because of my comment in the thread on split in die linke?
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    So why are you lambasting me when I'm in agreement with the CPGB's politics, which you're actually aware of?
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