Conversation Between Rafiq and Crimson Commissar

  1. Crimson Commissar
    Yeah, definitely, but any good socialist state needs to be harsh on religion aswell. I extremely dislike this "tolerance" bullshit, I have no tolerance for ignorant belief systems, whether they be political like capitalism or religious like christianity or islam. Perhaps a good way to destroy organised religion would be to promote some sort of new religion. One with a strong emphasis on freedom, equality and socialist ideals, and that is more about spirituality than worship of a god. Despite my militant atheism, I do agree that spirituality is often good for human beings, it's the reactionary beliefs of many major religions that irritate me.
  2. Rafiq
    Do you agree that in order to eradicate religion, you have to attract it's followers and slowly eradicate it through education and kindness?

    We should be open to proletarian religious people and be as nice as we can, then slowly our beliefs will triumph over theirs.

    How would you treat a person almost dying because he's addicted to heroin?
  3. Crimson Commissar
    my profile*
  4. Crimson Commissar
    You were the one who decided to comment on your profile. I will continue to critiscize Islam, and you can continue to practice it if you want. It is our right as free human beings to do so. Just remember that in the eyes of your so called God, human beings are not free and should not be free at all.
  5. Rafiq
    Piss off and leave me alone. I am going to remain a Muslim whether you like it or not. So kiss all 1.6 billion of our asses and just really, 'Fuck Off you Xenophobic piece of SHIT'.
  6. Crimson Commissar
    You throw your beliefs in my face every single day. This society is dominated by religion. Not any single religion, but religion as a whole. Theism is seen by many people as peaceful, and the absolute pinnacle of cultural development. Atheism is looked down on as the belief of ignorant fools, and we are expected to bow before the religious and allow their beliefs to dominate our lives. The majority of people in this world are STILL religious. And it's 2010. We should have abandoned religion long, long ago. And yet it still rules our world with an iron fist. There is no need for a god to exist, the religious have already become as evil and tyrannical as god would have been if he existed. 1.6 billion people? That just proves my point. It's simply ridiculous that so many people follow your insane religion.
  7. Rafiq
    Well according to MY and many OTHER muslims personal beliefs, we don't think non believers go to hell.

    Why don't you piss the fuck off. You are exactly forcing atheism upon us. 1.6 billion people aren't going to convert so leave us alone. We aren't converting you or throwing our beliefs in YOUR face.
  8. Crimson Commissar
    I'm not forcing atheism upon others. I attack religion in the hope that maybe some religious person will realise how fucking sick what they're doing is and abandon it. Religion is holding back human society, and it must be completely obliterated from our culture. You are willingly giving yourself as a slave to a tyrant god which tortures all those who disobey him. It says it quite clearly in both the Bible and the Qur'an that non-believers are sent to hell to burn for all eternity. I shouldn't even have to get evidence for this, it's common knowledge. The very fact that you are following a religion which condemns your fellow human beings to eternal torture is sick, wrong and COMPLETELY un-socialistic. Even if religion is stripped of all it's fascist beliefs and values, it is still ignorant and a ridiculous way of viewing the world. Humanity will never, NEVER be free until religion is wiped out, and every last theist willingly converts to Atheism.
  9. Rafiq
    Religion is Fascism? Under the definition of Fascism, it has nothing to do with Religion! Religion should be held as a private affair. So in other words "Piss off, I can believe what ever I want"
  10. Rafiq
    You can't force Atheism upon others. At least I'm proud to say I'm a Muslim and a Leftist, and I DON'T endores FORCING Islam upon others.

    But you, you force Atheism upon others.

    Why can't you keep your religious views to yourself and stop harassing us?
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