Conversation Between Peter The Painter and Bad Grrrl Agro

  1. so what your saying is just because i would not hyperthetically go out with a transwoman, because i would be battered and ridiculed, i am a bad person?

    The thing is, if i had comrades near me, i would, but, I already have shit going on in my life, i hate my fucking body too, with scars and fucking body parts i dont fucking like.

    you cannot just use logic and defend trans, bacause, it is so rooted to hate them, that i wouldnt win anyone over either.
  2. Bad Grrrl Agro
    You mean that fear isn't just an everyday thing for you anyways? You lucky motherfucker!
  3. look, if i had some backup, i would not mind, but round here I am on my own, and why openly ostracize myself, at a point when i have no communists round here, to back me, so i dont just get the shit kicked outa me, and my house set on fire?
  4. Bad Grrrl Agro
    How do you think I felt my entire life? Yeah, you want to know what you'd go through if you dated a transsexual? Well maybe you should take one look at what us transsexuals have to deal with on a daily basis.
  5. SO, basically, because i live in a place where i would be fucking battered and my family put at risk for it, i aint man enough.

    Bit sexist no, what are us men supposed to be the strong defender, bit sexist in reverse.

    Put it this way, i would fight to defend a trans from attack, but i wouldnt ruin my life over dating a trans, because, my whole family live in the same area, and i know they would get shit for it.
  6. Bad Grrrl Agro
    now you have my opinion.
  7. Bad Grrrl Agro
    You know, people might suspect that you have a soft spot for us transsexuals if you refuse to partake in trans bashing. Would you kick in my head to prove you're "man enough" to them. You think you'd have it hard dating a tranny? Well, that is kind of spitting in the face of those of us who are trans who had to deal with this our entire lives.
  8. Hey, i read your posts on Transphobia, very enlightening.

    I wanted to ask something.

    Where i live is quite rough, and if people found out I was dating a trans Girl, i would be ridiculed and probably battered.

    Does me not dating Transwomen, because of societies reaction, make me transphobic?
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