Conversation Between El Chuncho and GallowsBird

  1. GallowsBird
    I have also done him the same favour by adding a very accurate Sam_b quote. I hope he has enough tissues.
  2. El Chuncho
    You have been featured in Sam_b's signature too. Great stuff! We are now immortal.

    Actually, I feel sorry for Sam_b because he cannot see how immature and childish he is. The fact that he is so uptight about how to write his online alias (''Sam_b'' not ''Sam_B'' is majorily important) shows how out of touch with reality he is.
  3. GallowsBird
    Congratulations, you are featured in Sam_B's signature. A great honour!
  4. El Chuncho
    Yeah, he is only sore because I made him back down on an earlier power trip he had (not long after I joined). Might get banned, an infraction or a verbal warning for ''talking back'' at the mods, but at least there are a few decent mods here who are not on a power trip.

    Sam B is a child and an arrogant elitist. I have said before that he is very unsuited to his mod position. It is my right to say that - my honest opinion, as it were.
  5. GallowsBird
    Don't worry about the morons like Sam_B enjoying their power-trip. They are just school yard bullies; literally, most likely.

    You'll probably get banned for "trolling" while "mods" like Sam_B can insult members like Dodger, you and I. I just don't worry about it personally. These days, I just let them look pathetic and ignorant.
  6. GallowsBird
    Keep up the good work in the Paedo thread. Funny how we (me, you, Rafiq, Brospierre, Esperanza et al) are reactionaries for not supporting "Paedo Rights" as an important part of Leftist policy (event though most of the rest of the global Proletariat would probably agree with us). Sometimes it is like the world has gone mad... then I remember this is just RevLeft!!
  7. El Chuncho
  8. GallowsBird
    Yes, indeed. And as a member of a minority then he should know better than to be prejudiced against someone for a random factor of their existence. I am sick of people using their status as part of a minority group to be asses. And besides aren't most of us in some minority group, whether through ethnicity, appearance, class or politics?

    Prejudice is wrong and yes I think he should have been restricted or banned and I am not someone who generally thinks people should be restricted or banned most of the time but when they start being a racist, sexist or even heightist (which is a valid term contrary to what they tried to suggest) then they can take a running jump as far as I am concerned.

    And it is hilarious when someone calls you a racist or fascist or Nazi for being against intolerance.
  9. El Chuncho
    I find it amusing that standing up to heightism makes me a ''reactionary racist fascist dwarf supremecist nationalist stalinist Nazi troll.'' Not only does that not make any coherent sense, but should probably have lead to a banning. It shows how intelligent many of the hardcore anti-Stalinist trolls are.
  10. GallowsBird
    "You deserve an infraction, reactionary racist fascist dwarf supremecist nationalist stalinist Nazi troll." Hahahahahahahaha!
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