Conversation Between RASHskins and redSHARP

  1. redSHARP
    the boneheads need to get a new hobby or something.
  2. RASHskins
    Yea well the trads here hate the nazi's too which is great. But they still don't get involved in anything. They really should care about it too, because the nazi's give ever skin in this city a bad reputation.
  3. redSHARP
    i usually find that the trads are really a problem for most redskins; i never really understood why the trads hate us.
  4. RASHskins
    Not really a crew, just me and some buddies. I had some problems within the other skinhead scenes here, like the trads mostly. I can't hang around a-political people really and they piss me off usually. Alot of them also had a really macho tough-guy attitude which i think is just stupid. another part is taht we do have boneheads here so it's a tactical thing too. Id rather have the element of suprise in a fight than be recognizable from far away as a skin. I would also didn't care enough about skinhead culture really to explain to every fucking person that im not a nazi. I still wear the boots but i probably won't ever be a skin again.
  5. redSHARP
    what crew did you hail from?

    RASH has built up across the world. i remember talking to a RASH guy from the balkans. i can see why some people hang up the braces; would you ever shave the head again and put on the boots?
  6. RASHskins
    Pretty good dude, how about you? I am not a skin anymore, but i am Antifa!
  7. redSHARP
    how goes it?

    its good to see another RASH member on the forum!
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