Conversation Between Il Medico and leftace53

  1. leftace53
    It has indeed been a lengthy period of time. I must agree about the River twist being so obvious, and I didn't really enjoy the manner in how it was revealed either (I admit though, the thought of the Galifrean language made metaphorically jizz). I like the bigger role River has had in this season. I think Rory had his moments, for sure, but I really liked Amy's slogan of being the girl who waited. I are le excite for next season.
  2. Il Medico
    Hey leftace, long time no see! Well, suppose I've never technically seen you, but that's besides the point. Anywho, I thought last season was pretty great. I was slightly disappointed with the revalation of who River Song was (her being Amy's baby). It was literally a joke among Doctor Who geeks like myself because it seemed such an obvious twist. Besides hat I was happy how River's storyline played out. I also fucking love Rory now, he's such a badass.
  3. leftace53
    Hello, Doctor.
    Tell me, how do you feel about the most recent season of Doctor Who?
  4. Il Medico
    As you should. Next to me, he is probably the coolest guy on this site. [/narcissism]
  5. leftace53
    It seems I have acquired the task of internet friending this "Bilan".
  6. Il Medico
    Haha. Let me just say that if he ever recommends something to you. Listen to him. He is a bloody genius culturally speaking (aka he has nearly the exact same taste as me.) He's never let me down on a recommendation. Be it books, Music, or tele. I can't even say that about my best friends irl, haha.
  7. leftace53
  8. Il Medico
    No, I am still on the Second Season. And haha no. Bilan recommended it to me.
  9. leftace53
    yo b, are you all done black books? how did you come across it, googling "shows to watch to make me sound british"?
  10. Il Medico
    And now we see if I retain my crown.
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