Conversation Between Adi Shankara and Barry Lyndon

  1. If you think I'm interested in impressing trash like you, you are greatly mistaken.
  2. blah blah blah you don't impress me.
  3. Then you'd know that Thomas Sankara was a lifelong catholic and continued to believe even after he became a communist. I don't see you screaming at that for their "oppressive" ways though. thus, you're an idiot.
  4. I like non-Western revolutionaries-Ho Chi Minh, Mao, Sankara, Allende, Che, Fidel, Chavez, Baghat Singh, etc. I hate reactionaries, non-Western and Western alike.
  5. I never said that the population of Kerala was entirely secular or even mostly secular. But the democratically elected Communist Party of India(Marxist) is not religious at all. That you deny this is hilarious.
    Just screaming racism is not an argument, btw. It doesn't help your pathetic straw men.
  6. So, if Hinduism has all these egalitarian ideals that you claim it does, why is it that most of India is still so desperately poor, and New Dehli is the rape capital of the world? Why is it that the ONLY part of India that has largely abolished the caste system and where female literacy is almost on par with men is in Kerala, a province dominated by the secular Communists?
    I put it to you simply- if the material world is an illusion, then poverty, being part of the material world, is also an illusion. This is an idiotic notion that transparently serves the rich, whether in Western or Eastern societies.
    But because you fetishize Eastern religion and culture, to you that oppressive ideology is ok with you, since its just a curiosity for your enjoyment and you don't actually have to suffer from it. I think that makes it clear who is the real racist(and sexist, and homophobe).
  7. P.S: it's racist to assume that all indians practice Yoga and that the religion is "exotic". it shows your truely western view of the world, and thus proves your bigotry and hatred against people of the subcontinent.
  8. "all poverty is an illusion"

    spoken like a truely ignorant western chauvinist who's peabrain never moves beyond abrahamic religious traditions.
  9. You youself admitted that you admit that all reality could be an illusion(why bother with class struggle then, if poverty is an illusion?), so its fine and dandy that you call me anti-materialist.
  10. Gandhi was still a hindu. for you to use such a broadly painted brush is more western chauvinism at it's finest.
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