Conversation Between bellyscratch and Holden Caulfield

  1. sounds great, I'll leave things in your capable hands (as usual) and pay you whatever I owe sometime after the 20th when i get back.

    cheers pal
  2. £15 back for the train and half the time of the coach journey...
  3. aye go for it, how shall we gonna get back? mebz get a cheap train or get the bus again? or we could just move to LDN it will save future travel times... might as well stay the night after having some drinks
  4. Alex said its definitely booked, but I have to tell Tony, so I have. I'll get the train tickets now if you want? If for some reason the coach fucks up for StWC, the we should be able to get a cheap national express down nearer the time.
  5. no worries, just wanna get them tickets for the train before they cost shit loads if we have to. But I'm not complaining like seen as Im sitting back while you check,
  6. Fuck. Forgot. Sorry for being useless. I'll ask Alex what went on at the meeting on Monday
  7. transport crack?
  8. sound if not tho im happy paying the 15 quid to get down ther if we still can
  9. I dont know what happening. I'll see if i can find out what went on at the StWC meeting.
  10. its fucked atm. PM me mebz?
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