Conversation Between Sentinel and synthesis

  1. Sentinel
    Well there is the FAQ, which people are supposed to read upon registering, to avoid confusion. I see your point and everything, but allowing discussions on and questioning the fairness of the rules outside the specific areas for that simply isn't the model we operate around at this time.

    As that isn't likely to suddenly change, we are both wasting our time discussing this. And protests/trolling such as in that tread today merely has the potential to make the rules and their application even stricter.

    So on that note, I hope you have a nice day - I'm off to bed.
  2. synthesis
    I should have specified that I wasn't spurred to action by the most recent infractions; they knew what they were doing, and to be completely honest I almost posted my visitor message in the UR thread just to join the party. I think as leftists we are compelled to challenge rules we think are unfair, publicly, vocally and sometimes at cost to ourselves, and sometimes it's hard to turn that off, even when on some level we know that the actual thing we think is unfair isn't really that big of a deal.

    The reason I brought that up was really what I said it was: that the discussions about what we think are acceptable positions for unrestricted members to hold are often very good tools for clarifying, publicly, the position of the board membership as a whole, not just for the CU/BA but also for people who maybe haven't registered as posters or don't understand why they're restricted or are just interested in hearing what people have to say about it.
  3. Sentinel
    Hi synthesis, I hope you are fine.

    I agree it's a shame when good members get infracted. But they really must blame themselves for not reading or, more likely, choosing to ignore the warnings in the OP and every post inbetween their posts.

    As for allowing debate on our rules there, it won't happen for the same reason we don't have similar discussions anywhere else on the general section of the board either; such are reserved for the CU and BA sections of the board.

    These are the rules, people may like or dislike them but breaking them will lead to administrative action. That's just how it is.
  4. synthesis
    I think the BA should revise the rules on debate in the Unfair Restriction thread. I'm not saying let it rage on unchecked, but there's often some genuinely useful political discussion that takes place under the umbrella of talking about what is and is not acceptable on a revolutionary leftist forum. It also just seems like it'd be a lot less work for what seems like a waste of time, given how many infractions have resulted from that policy. (A lot, is what I'm saying.)
  5. synthesis
    Huh, I'd never even heard of that forum until now. Well, part of the reason I'm asking is because I have no idea how to get in touch with him; if he posts there, he's using a different name. I guess I'm probably just missing the context of all those bans but partially I was also asking because I was curious if it was a self-requested ban or not (I'm assuming that's not the case). Anyway, I'd really like to get more info if you get a chance, just because it might help me to get in contact with him, but I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in either way.
  6. Sentinel
    I'm talking about all the bans that happened at that time. I can try to find out about Kleber if you want to, but my guess would be it was general 'shitstirring' and what I was referring to as 'subversive activity'.

    Some of those members went to the red marx forums and took part in some quite hostile activity against the board. If that's the case, he would have to demosntrate he has changed and regrets it, in order to be allowed back,
  7. synthesis
    Ah, okay. I know how that is. Are you referring to the forum games bans or the ones involving RED DAVE and/or S. Artesian? (I think I remember RED DAVE being banned because of something to do with technocracy, but I didn't know about Artesian till recently.)

    Anyway, I guess it's just weird to me that I can't find any record of why Kleber was banned (it doesn't seem to be in Admin Actions) but it's not like I expect anyone to go digging for it for me.
  8. Sentinel
    Actually I didn't take part in those decisions. I wasn't an Admin at that time. I was however the Mod of OI, and the one who - completely unintentionally - got the whole ball rolling.

    Disagreements with some members, who I regard as good friends, over my policies for OI upset me to the degree that I went offline for a while. Thusly I missed a great deal of the drama.

    I never knew Kleber well.
  9. synthesis
    Hey, thanks for the info on the games ban. This would've been OT in that thread, but do you remember why Kleber was banned? I was really surprised to see that when I came back from being absent for awhile. If you have the time, I'd like to know about RED DAVE and S. Artesian too, but that's not as much of a concern. I kinda figured you might know about Kleber cause y'all are both Trots
  10. synthesis
    My infraction from May just expired - I'm freeeee...

    Actually, I feel kind of naked now.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13