Conversation Between Anti Freedom and humanitynow

  1. and if it is only a name as you say, where did this name come from?

    I love my freedom to risist authourity, to stand for peace and justice.
  2. i mean is not freedom, true freedom, an awesome thing? they have twisted its meaning for murder and impearlism, as well as to make it us patriotic slave. that makes sence if you hate this twisted meaning of freedom, but are you agnist haveing a free mind soul and heart to do what you see fit to do what you think is right, think the way you want to think is not that worth something. is that worth fighting for in thet form of protest and resitance to the forces that with to control us as all of humanity.
  3. Anti Freedom
    Nothing. It is just a name.
  4. what's the name anti-freedom about
  5. Anti Freedom
    Ok, cool!!
  6. I am new as well
  7. Anti Freedom
    Oh, hello! Still getting the hang of this stuff.
  8. greetings.....
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