Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Lolshevik

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Just came back from my long weekend. Miles is still around if you wish to contact him directly.
  2. Lolshevik
    hey comrade! I'm doing great. what's going on with the WPA, though? They seem to be moribund & I'm concerned. although I am just a supporter, not a member, if you can get in touch with any WPA higher-ups feel free to let them know I'm willing to help with whatever they need.
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    So, how are things?
  4. Lolshevik
    Well, for one I think my *leaving* the CWI outright was extremely premature. Add that to the practical fact that the WP has been stagnant since April. But this does not preclude me from building and supporting the Workers Party regardless.
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    You're switching back, comrade? The CWI's call for a "labour" party is a bourgeois workers party a la Labour. It isn't a PNNC like the pre-war SPD and inter-war USPD.
  6. Lolshevik
    Thanks, Jacob. I knew I'd get to 50 posts one of these days!
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome to the RevMarx group, comrade!
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