Conversation Between Black Dagger and Sentinel

  1. Fixed his usergroup.
  2. Sentinel
    bd, as i dont have my admin powers back yet, could you please put deliriums PRIME user group as CC? so he gets the blue username like everyone else. thanks in advance. And who is it that puts it as their secondary one anyway?
  3. Sentinel
    added it. the cc makes some good decisions sometimes. really good ones. but this adding abstain option one was really fucking childish shit imo.
  4. Should there be abstain options in the admin polls?
  5. Sentinel
  6. Sentinel
    The point is that it's not just the 'techno-family', he would have been kicked or worse it that was so. It's that so many marxists agree with him as well. And yeah it wasn't very smart of him to use that magasine as a source, but it being a cappie magasine doesn't mean everything in it necessarily is false, either.
  7. So technocracy saves his soul? I just can't believe that all the HPGers are giving this guy a pass - he bases his political positions on a magazine funded by ibm and phfizer! I know you'll say it's got nothing to do with that (HPG etc.) but look at the poll results - it's not merely a coincidence that all the techno-family have voted for no action. The non-communist facet of your politics - the transhumanism/technocracy stuff is trumping the communist element IMO.
  8. Sentinel
    Hey! Can you get on MSN?
  9. Awww, thanks
  10. Sentinel
    Congrats on Favourite Admin -08!
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