Conversation Between Wanted Man and Prairie Fire

  1. Prairie Fire
    Are you still active?
  2. Prairie Fire
    Happy New Year, Comrade. All the best in 2013.
  3. Wanted Man
    Congratulations on the reassignment.
  4. Prairie Fire
    Would have prefered "Womyns struggles", but whatever.

    Thanks though. Appreciate it.
  5. Wanted Man

    A relieving amount of honesty that is quite rare amongst staff these days. With that attitude, I think you'll do fine. I was surprised that you were given DIY out of all forums, but you definitely deserve a modship IMO. Good luck with it!
  6. Prairie Fire
    Hey, Comrade.

    Things have been crazy in Real life, while simultaneously slow on other boards I frequent. I should be replying to more threads here (and reading Das Kapital). Just Don't have much time.
  7. Wanted Man
    Comrade, how have you been? Maybe it's just me, but I think you've been posting more during the last week or so. Keep it up.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7