Conversation Between psgchisolm and Dunk

  1. Alright man, thanks for the info!
  2. Dunk
    Last post, I promise - I just think it's really important for vets who don't think this shit is so great to try to talk to you about this. Don't think it's going to be as easy as joining a particular MOS or rating and rationalizing "Well I won't be put in the shit if I get this job - so I won't have to hurt anyone or actually contribute to the oppression of others." - because you will be sent to Afghanistan, and you will be sent to FOBs, you will be doing shit you didn't sign up for, and you will be responsible, forever, for the things you do or support while you're in.
  3. Dunk
    I'm sorry I'm filling up your visitor messages, I know you're not online right now. I just really would like to talk to you to try and see where your head's at as far as wanting to join the military. I know you've said you come from a small conservative town, which no doubt glorifies the servicemembers and heaps praise and prestige on them - and I'm sure your people in JROTC or recruiters are making joining up sound enticing - but you have to take a step back and rethink this. Even if this is just because you can't afford school - it's not worth causing the suffering to innocent people, your family, and yourself that you're going to put yourself through.
  4. Dunk
    Please, don't join. I'm a vet, man. I'm not going to berate you or anything, it's just not a life you're going to enjoy - cut off from family and friends, and after being so deeply exposed and sympathetic to leftist ideology, the things you'll have to do or work in support of are going to wrack you with guilt. You've got to think of not only the suffering you're going to put yourself through, but the suffering you may cause other people.
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