Conversation Between Zoop and Communist Mutant From Outer Space

  1. I understand that forums can be distracting, if that's what you mean; if it's the politics then I understand that too. Too much political focus wears away my drive for the subject entirely. But either way, I won't pry, I'll just say that if you think it'll do you some good then definitely try it.
  2. Hi, thanks for the compliment.

    I just feel as if it would do me some good for the time being. Perhaps I might return at some point though.
  3. If you don't mind me asking, why do you want your account deactivated? I appreciate your posts, most of them are good in content.
  4. That's a fairly atypical response, but an informative one nonetheless. Most anarchists reject the so-called "Hegelian baggage" of dialectics altogether as pseudoscientific, lumping it in with psychoanalysis and the like.
  5. I actually subscribe to a lot of Marxist ideas. I think Marxist economics is insightful and extremely informative. I also think historical materialism, as well as dialectical materialism actually, is essentially correct. The Marxist conception of history I think is fairly self-evident and obvious. I agree that the mode of production is the chief determining force in history, and this in turn influences the 'superstructure'. The basic principles of dialectical materialism also, seem rather self-evident. I would say that h/d materialism is much more complicated than how it is usually portrayed, but I'm sure many Marxists would agree with me on that too. My main disagreement is regarding the political aspects of Marxism - more specifically the transitional period, and the authoritarian underpinnings of it. However, there are many Libertarian Marxists who argue that Marx never intended it to be authoritarian and centralised, but rather libertarian.
  6. As an anarchist, do you accept historical materialism (I won't ask about dialectical materialism seeing as anarchists almost universally seem to hate it)? I ask because I have become interested in the former anarcho-communist Murray Bookchin and his critiques of Marxism/appraisals of anarchism, and I don't think I have really ever lost my distaste for the Marxist movement that I had on here not too long ago. I still put a lot of stock in Marxism, but Marxists themselves seem to be obscurantists (Left Communists, Orthodox Marxists) or totalitarians (Stalinists, certain types of Maoists, Hoxhaists, etc.). I've begun to have the notion that I could feasibly combine a lot of Marx's work and a lot of anarchist theory and then label myself an anarchist thus, and in order to do that I've been talking to various anarchists about whether there is an overlap between Marxism and anarchism (specifically anarcho-communism).
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