Conversation Between Andropov and Ismail

  1. Andropov
    Brilliant, cheers Ismail.
  2. Ismail
    A Coming of Age: Albania under Enver Hoxha by James S. O'Donnell is a basic introductory work. Socialist Albania since 1944 by Peter R. Prifti is also quite good.

    For Hoxha a reasonably concise summary of most of his memoirs is in The Artful Albanian by Jon Halliday, who provides helpful context and whatnot.
  3. Andropov
    Hi Ismail, seeing as you are the guru on all things Hoxha around here do you have any suggestions for some decent reading on Hoxha on Albania. Now I should clarify im not looking for a massive slog of a book but one that gives a concise summary of the history of the movement from NAZI occupation until later years. An easy read because I dont have the time for a detailed one at the minute.
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