Conversation Between Alan OldStudent and Petrol Bomb

  1. Alan OldStudent
    Hey Comrade Eman,

    I tried to confirm your being friends with me, but for some reason, the software seems not to be able to accomplish it. I'll try to PM an admin and see what's going on


    Alan OldStudent
    The unexamined life is not worth living--Socrates
  2. Alan OldStudent
    Thank you for your kind words, Comrade Eman


    Alan OldStudent
    The unexamined life is not worth living--Socrates
  3. Petrol Bomb
    Hello, comrade. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your posts on this forum. Although I haven't been acquainted with your late wife, Miss Margaret, I was moved by the eulogy you had written for her. I can't muster the words to describe it, but it was very well written - you have talent - and Margaret sounds like a lovely person. I look forward to your continued posting on this forum, for you seem to have some knowledge you can share with us.

    P.S - Your use of tools for the forum posts is new to me, it would be nice if more people started using them.

    Warm regards,

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