Conversation Between ev and Drace

  1. good thanks, studying indonesian at uni next year
  2. Drace
    Hows the Russian going then?
  3. hey, been awol for a bit, but i'm still around
  4. Drace
    Hey, do you still exist?
  5. It's strange at first but you get use to it, and I meant to say "How long did that take you" :P Getting there.. Oh and I use Windows Live for IM
  6. Drace
    Oh well I might even get to buy the book.

    Oo thanks for the tip. I didn't think of this before :-$ The letters do not correspond to English, so its quite useless unless you have the stickers.

    Btw, I have no idea what you said.
  7. That sucks its a good book, you don't need software to type Russian text, XP supports it you can change in control panel regional settings i think, I bought Cyrillic stickers for my keyboard so i would know what I'm typing. oh and "сколько времени это у вас эаняло?"
  8. Drace
    Privet. Kak zila? (this text would be written in Russian if I had the software to do so)

    Anyway, do you have any IM programs?
  9. Drace
    I really would prefer books over software. For one, it doesn't take my computer time :P (Not that it matters since I have infinite of it) I searched for that book but apparently my library doesn't have it
  10. You complicate the simplest of idioms :P

    My Russians almost there, the alphabet is easy, best book out there is 'The New Penguin Russian Course by Nicholas J. Brown' hands down. I once pirated the Rosetta Stone, it sucked. Personally I find books better, I check my fluency with audio CD's. You'll get there, hopefully :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13