Conversation Between Tenka and Sperm-Doll Setsuna

  1. Tenka
    Furry? Who? Paul Pott? Tell me in messenger if it is confidential. I don't think we write similarly at all though except for our use of British spellings and exclamation points. Rafiq writes more like you... hmm.
  2. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Precisely. We write in such a similar manner people think we're the same all the time. Like that furry arsehole, you know who.
  3. Tenka
    Keep what up? Talking to you?
  4. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Tsk, people will believe we are the same person again if you keep that up!
  5. Tenka
    Our politics are too similar. I must become a Trot, that the balance may be restored!
  6. Tenka
    Are you hot? It's fucking 38 degrees here.
  7. Tenka
    Yes, I think it would be a good title for a comedy film along the lines of The Trotsky but with a slightly different direction...
  8. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Sounds like a new reality show.
  9. Tenka
    I was a Teenaged Stalinist!
  10. Tenka
    I'm stalkin' ur profile, joinin' ur groups
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 25