Conversation Between Muzk and Rosa Lichtenstein

  1. Rosa Lichtenstein
    It is, but only to those with a serious personality disorder...
  2. hahahaha my karl popperian philosophy teacher told me wittgensteins style of writing/arguing is close to that of a schizophrenian
  3. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Yes, it's a consequentialist theory (and hence it's a victim of circumstances).

    Worse, it ignores what we actually mean by our moral vocabulary.
  4. Rowsa! Any problems with utilitarianism?
  5. Rosa Lichtenstein
    "how the hell does one take anything "dialectically" ?!?!"

    You take it and you do not, of course!
  6. Vegan Marxist in "How to Master Secret Work:

    I'm glad the South African Communist party put efforts into distributing this &, if anything, one should merely take this information dialectically.

    ... how the hell does one take anything "dialectically" ?!?!
  7. S.Artisan:
    "Thanks. One of my rules is that you should never say anything to someone electronically that you would not be willing to say to that person's face. And you know she would never call someone like you or me a "class-traitor" to our faces. Actions have consequences in this world. You call someone a "class-traitor" and that means the person is a blood enemy, so guess what happens next? The weapon of criticism has to give way to the criticism of weapons.

    So fuck her, the cowardly piece of rancid rat-fat."

  8. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Yes, thanks. The reason I couldn't was that it's in Politics! A mod should move it soon.
  9. I see that you have already found it.
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