Conversation Between New Tet and Random Precision

  1. Thank you. And sorry if I come off as an insufferable asshole. In person, I'm a really, really nice insufferable asshole.
  2. I reopened the thread
  3. Sorry that I "negrepped" you, but I'm a little sensitive about joining an interesting conversation and finding it's been suddenly closed after only a few interventions. That sort of thing gives me the creeps, don't it you?
  4. You can always start a new thread to talk about things... it's moderating policy to close archived threads that get revived, it takes up too much server space.
  5. Because it was premature. Because it was bad manners to close a thread on the strength of one word, issued from you like an unappealable verdict: "Necromancy".

    "No explanations needed, gentlemen, just move on, nothing to see here". Moderating does not mean being a policeman.
  6. Neg rep just for doing my job? Why?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6