Conversation Between Sperm-Doll Setsuna and Palingenisis

  1. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Did you receive my reply to your PM or did I click the wrong button? D;
  2. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    They don't seem to take kindly to our sentiments.
  3. Thank you for the support on the monogamous bondage and drugs threads...
  4. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Ah, I see. Eurocoms are indeed some strange bunch, I don't even know why they call themselves communists. As for me, I am from Sweden. ;c
  5. Yeah sorry...Stickies were Official Sinn Fein/Official IRA...The IRSP/INLA broke from them in 1975 and after that they became a particularly reactionary Euro-Communist Party which was quite sucessful in terms of votes...Finally they merged with the Labour Party and more or less took it over...What country are you from?
  6. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Yes, I saw that. What is a stickie? Is that some local Irish political term?

    This is a great song about a stickie when they were revolutionary though
  8. Yeah but there is a link there to a pdf of one of their newspapers...Of course the article is mocking them...Its a sticke website...
  9. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Article sure seems to enjoy mocking them. Well, the support for Lysenkoism is pretty laughable, but apart from that-

    Im from Ireland we had a great Hoxhaite Party but sadly they are no more...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17