Conversation Between Five Year Plan and Zoroaster

  1. Zoroaster
    Alright, I'll join.

    Still better than Third World Caesarian Socialism.
  2. We are currently discussing additional details of First-World Lepidanism if you care to join us. If our numbers continue to grow, we will be unstoppable.
  3. Zoroaster
    I don't know, really.
  4. Oh, and by the way, nice avatar!
  5. Why are you no longer a First-World Lepidan?
  6. Zoroaster
    *I think. Sorry.
  7. Zoroaster
    Ok. Any specific tendency of Trotskyism? Although Imthink that the Societ Union was state capitalist, I think that the SWP and the International Socialist Tendency are jokes.
  8. As a Trotskyist, my answer will naturally be Trotskyism. So don't mistake my earlier sharp criticisms of the IMT/CWI to be criticisms of Trotskyism in general. I think it's safe to say that any person who advocates one-man authoritarian rule against the proletariat, which is essentially what TWCS touts, has no business being on Revleft. If the coterie of DNZites weren't so laughably evasive and confused/confusing, they probably have been banned long ago.
  9. Zoroaster
    Ok, I'll look into it more, but thanks. Any political tendencies that you recommend? And if you say Hoxhaist, I won't even acknowledge your existence.
  10. Yeah, that's a dark alley you don't want to go down. About three people on this forum take it seriously, with a small handful of others forming a kind of penumbra by refusing to be critical of it out of personal friendship to the people who adhere to it. There's a reason this "tendency" exists only on Revleft :P
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