Conversation Between Comrade Akai and The Ben G

  1. Comrade Akai
    Very much so. I'm not one to criticize, however; I sometimes refer to my political ideology as "libertarian democratic socialism".
  2. The Ben G
    In technical terms I would call myself a Nightwatchmanist Left Council Trotskyist. Kind of a mouthfull, huh?
  3. The Ben G
  4. Comrade Akai
    Touche. I guess we just place emphasis on anti-authoritarianism?
  5. The Ben G
    I mean that ive never heard of one. Then again, you've probably never heard of a Libertarian Trotskyist before either.
  6. Comrade Akai
    How so? I'm just a Maoist who supports adhocracy and direct democracy rather than bureaucracy and authoritarianism.
  7. The Ben G
    Libertarian Maoist? Thats an interesting combo.
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