Conversation Between Kuppo Shakur and Red_Struggle

  1. Red_Struggle
    Aww goddamit. I'm gonna use up so much gas if I go. It blows that next week is finals week too and I have papers and shit to write. btw, get ur ass on AIM, son.
  2. Nah man, you gotta go with the flow. Just post irrelevant one-liners and run.
    Oh, and I just took it for a high speed test run, it's official, mein truck ist kaput. Guess you'll have to come out here and pick me up then.
  3. Red_Struggle
    This site makes me wanna shart sometimes.
  4. Well, this truck o' mine ain't going on the highway anytime soon. That pesky transmission and its gang of meddling tires haven't replaced themselves yet, like I asked them to fucking months ago. We'll see.
  5. Red_Struggle

    Polish Hill, I guess. It's the best I could find here in good ol' PA
  6. Whereabouts? If I can manage to transpose my psycho-physiological structure there in one piece, then Ludum Dare can suck it.
  7. Red_Struggle
    Wanna go to a Mayday rally in Pittsburgh next Sunday?
  8. Happy Earth Day! Mother Nature before people!
  9. It's true.
    Besides, look at his hair. That's a sly, devil-tongued entrepreneur waiting to happen.
  10. Red_Struggle
    Makes sense.

    But seriously
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 46