Conversation Between Manifesto and the last donut of the night

  1. the last donut of the night
    Yeah, I don´t know what happened. I was distracted.
  2. Manifesto
    lol those are easy for us to win against.
  3. the last donut of the night
    I believe it was about affirmative action. Or the tax rates in the US. One of those too.
  4. Manifesto
    What was it about?
  5. the last donut of the night
    Lol, I wrote that when I thought I had lost the debate. Basically he pulled out ``real facts´´ against my arguments. He kind of tricked me with political redderick, which is common. It just took me 5 minutes to snap out of it and I later destroyed him.hahaha
  6. Manifesto
    How did you lose a debate to a right wing?
  7. Manifesto
    Yeah basically.
  8. the last donut of the night
    I get what you mean. Yes, I have faith that He does. It's like that saying, "God acts in mysterious ways" or "God straightens things out through crooked lines." Is that right? Well, you get the point.
  9. Manifesto
    God will do some things that we do not like but I guess for the greater good.
  10. the last donut of the night
    What do you mean exactly? I wouldn't like to reply without being sure of what you mean.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19