Conversation Between Tolstoy and sosolo

  1. sosolo
    Hello Comrade-
    Sorry it took me so long to reply. I usually use my phone for this site and I can't see my posts on my page from there. Next time, just PM me.

    I'm glad you're interested in PSL. I've been a member here in Chicago for a couple of years, and I really do love my party. Please send me any questions about our line, program, theory, organization, etc.

    As far as the WWP, we have many similarities. We both subscribe to Sam Marcy's understanding of socialism in the 21st century, and we're both very anti-imperialist. We also defend current and former examples of the building of socialism in the world.

    From what I understand, the reason for the split was mostly organizational/internal, and not based on theory per se. Without revealing too much, we think that the WWP's structure had stagnated and wasn't able to adapt to the changing circumstances of the world and the left.
  2. Tolstoy
    Im considering joining the PSL and I had some questions. Im glad I found you on here, as im from Rockford.

    Im a Marxist Leninist with certain Trotskyist affectations but ultimately, im disgusted by the state of Trotskyism and while I love Kswama Sawant, if like to push for real revolutionary change if im going to devote myself to a party.

    My first question is, what difrentiates yall from the WWP?
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