Conversation Between Neoprime and Tim Cornelis

  1. I don't know, nor care.
  2. Tim Cornelis
    Who was more powerful than Stalin?
  3. Don't see him as the most powerful man, but one of the most powerful at the time.
  4. Tim Cornelis
    It's rather easy keeping your head up when you are the most powerful man.
  5. Cause socialism needs more strong minded people that won't back down against capitalism, but be intelligent about.
  6. Tim Cornelis
    And how does that relate to socialism?
  7. He was able to keep his head up with all the crap the USSR went thru, another man W.E.B. Du Bois also praise Stalin for a similar reason with the lies told about him.
  8. Tim Cornelis
    How does Stalin inspire you? In what way?
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