Conversation Between Klaatu and Il Medico

  1. Il Medico
    Yeah, its Jimi. One of the best.
  2. Klaatu
    I like your new avatar - Hendrix, right? I think "The music died" when he died in 1970 ( I remember that - I was in 7th grade) Did the music die with Buddy Holly's death? Hell no it didn't; it just got better
  3. Il Medico
    Can't say I'm doing too poorly. However, good would be a hyperbole.
  4. Klaatu
    How are you , Doc?
  5. Klaatu
    Actually, I meant to say that conservatives "invade" the Huffpost's (mostly) liberal forums. Cons are not welcome there at all, although they try to troll and disrupt discussions. They are a mostly snooty and mean-spirited bunch.
  6. Klaatu
    The Huffington Post is somewhat liberal, but consider that American politics has moved so far to the extreme right over the past 25 years, that Obama (who is actually a centrist) seems liberal. Even Nixon would be considered more liberal than Obama by today's standards. That's how goofed up this country has become. I am hoping to do my part to swing mainstream politics back toward the left (although I wish it to swing into socialism, as that is the fairest system of all)

    I wish the ridiculous trade embargo would be lifted against Cuba. (and I'm not even Cuban)

    Doc, do you watch MSNBC? it is the closest thing to liberal /socialist we have at this point in time on TV (takes time to change people's minds, but I work on it every possible chance.) I teach at a college, and you would be surprised at how many students favor socialism! Too bad socialism is so badly demonized by the extreme extremists on the right. Damn brainwashing liars.
  7. Il Medico
    Health care need to truly be universal. The proposed plan isn't that, it caters too much to the right. Our health care system is completely broken, and we need something alone the lines of what the have in Britain or Sweden. However, under capitalist conditions, the best way to go would to implement a system like whats in Cuba. They have free health care for everyone and it is consider a basic right. There are plenty of well trained doctors there, the problem is because of the embargo from the west, they can get the new technology. This would be ideal of a capitalist society, however, in the US I doubt such will happen. The best we can hope for is some improvement and reform. I give credit to the dems for at least trying, but that doen't mean that they have a good plan. And btw, I thought the Hufngton post was liberal?
  8. Klaatu
    What's up Doc? (Changed your name from "Captain Jack, eh?) I've been fighting conservatives on "Huffington Post" on the subject of American National Health Care, and other busywork. Your thoughts on NHC?
  9. Il Medico
    Long time no see comrade. What have you been up too?
  10. Il Medico
    I know silly isn't it?
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