Conversation Between Holden Caulfield and Q

  1. why are you being a ****?
    its just a forum but how the fuck can an alleged communist support censorship and not even try to justify it?
  2. fuck off, I don't care about your apology.
    Explains why you were also a dickhead on msn
  3. Q
    I'm sorry for editing your usertitle. That was inappropriate of me, also the way I acted before was not commendable.

    Please don't have "banned" again in your usertitle though, thank you
  4. Q
    He can simply request a new one with the "forgot passwd" link when you login.
  5. pogue said he forgot his password so can you do some admin shizzle and give him a new one or find out what it is and tell me or something?
    please and thank you
    wb asap!
  6. hello my dear admin brother,
    where did my pictures thread go and why did it go?
    I ask you coz i dont want plagueground to think im hounding him trying to pick fights
  7. password for the game is eggplant btw i forgot to say oh and its already started so get in quick
  8. go onto supremacy 1914, go onto games, search Holden in the seach thing.
    join the game im in with the shortest amount of days on it
    then wb to me
  9. Q
  10. wanna get another game of supremacy going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 28