Conversation Between ComradeOm and Savage

  1. great work on the 'War with Libya' thread, you seem to be the only Leninist on this forum.
  2. Hey, I think the conclusion paragraph and the 2 paragraphs preceeding it in your essay would serve my assignment well, also thanks for the recomendations on the German Revolution, they've been very handy.
  3. thanks heaps
  4. ComradeOm
    AJ Ryder's The German Revolution is a pretty good introduction. Pierre Broue's The German Revolution (imaginative, no?) is a hugely detailed masterpiece that examines the revolution from the perspective of the socialist parties
  5. thanks, when I know which parts I'll quote i'll tell you, If you have any suggestions for works on the German Revolution that would be great.
  6. ComradeOm
    Sure. If you want I can give sources for any particular part of the essay; might look better than referencing some nobody off the internet. I can also recommend one or two works on the German Revolution if you need anything from that angle
  7. hello, I am in high school and I'm currently writing an essay on the German Revolution and it's correspondence with the Russian Revolution and I was wondering if I would be able to use your essay on the October Revolution as a source, thanks either way.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7