Conversation Between AK and The Ben G

  1. They call it that cos most of the mods and admins at one stage were anarchists or trotskyists. And I think the admins will delete on sight anyway.
  2. The Ben G
    Revleft's great anarcho trot conspiracy. I like that. We should make a group about that!
  3. Sorry about the multiple messages, the max is 1000 characters a message. I had 1360.
  4. Ideally I agree with anarchism, as replacing a state with a state sounds like an accident waiting to happen. But it's important to realise that the most of the members of the proletariat that we liberate aren't going to be communists themselves. they wouldn't know what to do, we cant just abandon them on their own. they need to be educated about socialism and the path to communism as the state withers away so that they can make good decisions that will keep socialism alive as long as is needed and to witness the birth of communism.
  5. Surprisngly enough, I tend to want to label myself as that for:
    1. the lols; Revleft's great 'anarcho-trot conspiracy'.
    2. my personal ideals. although i know that a socialist state can have too centralized power and economy, i see it as logical as switching straight from a free market economy to a decentralized planned economy would end up in an economic shit storm, not helping the proletariat in any way. there needs to be a shrinking private owned sector, not a growing one as was implemented in places such as the USSR and PRC (due to economic reforms).
  6. Hey the name's Alex, I'm from Australia. Popping over to say hi.
    Few things i noticed:
    *You are the same age as me and you joined revleft about the same time.
    *Your purported tendency; "anarcho-marxist-trotskyism".
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