Conversation Between Manulearning and Positivist

  1. Manulearning
    I think i have found it!
    It is actually the 4th volume of Capital that contains the notes on all previous economists by Marx - Theories of Surplus Values( in 3 vols.)
  2. Positivist
    Oh hmm, I don't know what that was called, I'll see what I can dig up soon, but in the meantime if your still interested Richard Wolff talks about it in his early videos about marxism, thats where I first heard of it.
  3. Manulearning
    I was checking some threads on RL and about a year back someone had asked something like the guide to reading philosophy/ economics i think. And you had replied that marx had prepared notes on various economists/philosophers before him and they were published in 3 vols. and that you will check and will send the link but there was no link you posted on that thread.
    So i was interested in that.....
  4. Positivist
    Hello, I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to would you mind putting this in context for me?
  5. Manulearning
    Could you please pass the link for notes by Karl Marx on various economists/philosophers that you said were published in 3 volumes ? I would be interested. Thanks
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