Conversation Between Agnapostate and JTB

  1. Dude, I was there when you posted that stuff
  2. 'free market' capitalism is an absurdity, as a market can never be 'free'. Either regulations are in place to protect against monopolies that prevent competition, or the strong soon come to dominate and ensure that free competition is impossible, often by hijacking the State
  3. BTW, you can't be both an Austrian, and a Communist, since the Austrian School s very much a capitalist 'free' (unregulated) market ideology.

    And the subjective theory is proven everytime I decide I want an apple rather than an orange and someone else likes oranges more than apples. Due to the subjective value applied, a trade results in mutual profit, since when both end up with something we value more highly than before we had before we began. Labour Theory only applies within this framework, insomuch as the end product is (nearly) universely more highly valued by those applying (subjectively) value to it.

    If you can't grasp that, you're better off remaining silent and merely being thought a fool.

    I was insulted when they thought I was you
  4. You insist that you have a life 'unlike you', then brag about taking the time to bother solo-raiding a forum after being banned for posting pictures of mutilated penises?

    Seriously? and you expect any response other than laughter?
  5. lol

    I schooled you on economics several times back before you decided to post a bunch of pics of dismembered penises and vomit and get permabanned, remember?

    Yo can still dig up the old threads where I had to explain the most basic concepts, such as the subjective theory/nature of value to you.
  6. And Gunny's become nothing more than another troll like RGS and the rest
  7. You're just mad because I handed your ass to you back @ USMB
  8. restricted here and banned from USMB because DUDE edited my post after I kept making a fool of him (he's a mod now) lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8