Conversation Between Chapter 24 and Holden Caulfield

  1. Cats maaan... What's up? How's the being a communist thing working out for you over there?
  2. I advise you don't, not healthy, probably made of stray cats
  3. I need to try one of these kebab's you Anglos go on and on about.
  4. punk, and I mean proper punk, exists to kill the kind of stupidly over-hyped, over-blown shite that metal music creates haha.
  5. Well metal's not the only thing I listen to, there's also plenty of prog, reggae, classic rock, some rap... but yeah, a lot of metal in my diet, particularly thrash and death. There's a few genresI can't stand, mainly punk. I like some hardcore, but regular punk sickens me. Something that could probably get me banned from this site considering a majority seems to like it.
  6. I don't mean to sound ignorant but a bit of anything really, metal and MCing (shit british white chav rap) are the only things I can't stand.

    I like a bit of Dylan, but I also like Public Enemy and NWA, I like many things, but what I listen to isn't important, what is important is the shitness of metal music. If you want to listen to classically trained public school boys rebel against the parents before turning into a camp parody of themselves tho I suppose it isn't that bad.
  7. Hey, ese... what kind of music do you listen to?
  8. Ah it's my favorite song from "The Piper at the Gates of Down", Floyd's first album and one of the best albums fucking ever.
  9. I didnt answer you in time, my bad.
    why chapter 24 mon amis?
  10. I don't even know, haven't thought of one, but I value your opinion so just in general, should I get a name change? It probably won't matter much considering I barely post here even though I get on everyday.
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