Conversation Between Leaf and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    Hey, no problem. Comrades from Melbourne whom I've met seem to be pretty cool, but I've heard before that SAlt in Melbourne can come off as nasty - although not quite to the extent that you describe.

    We don't ever tend to be that way in Perth I'm glad to say. Thanks for your input comrade.
  2. Leaf
    I really don't get how they think some of these things would make young people more interested in socialism/SAlt. Force obviously won't work

    Sorry I didn't reply earlier - I wrote out a whole thing -- and my internet crashed and I lost it and was too angry to rewrite it lol.
    Sorry to be the one to tell you this depressing stuff. I still have a lot of respect for SAlt literature etc.
    Thanks for your interest.
  3. Leaf
    They were clearly knowledgeable and I know their intentions a good but their methods, to me, were 100% counter productive eg I said I didn't want to be called - I preferred just being on the email list or sms-ed. they said - well we call people to let them know about upcoming meetings .... wtf? so they call me and check up on me and tell me about upcoming meetings (even tho I already know about them and and on email list)

    I actually know others who have had similar experiences, a good friend who was put off activism for years because of Salt experiences.

    They don't know/don't want to know what 'no' means and I am perfectly serious. 'I don't really want to post up posters right now in my life (first day of uni) -- 'well putting up posters aren't a big deal and we can just chat about politics while we do it'. ...Strange stuff
  4. Leaf
    Then they found me again during the walk and after I said to go ahead, they wouldn't and at the end of the rally and I said I couldn't go to the SAlt post really meeting - they interrogated me - 'why can't you come? - where are you going? - I said work meeting they said where - subway - were about in Sydney? etc -- 'are they paying you for it?' -- dont go?! To be perfectly honest they seemed to me, crazed and certainly part of some kind of cult. It was simply amazing to what extent some of them would ignore what I said and how oblivious they were to what I felt and how ridiculous they sounded. It was shocking.
  5. Leaf
    Yep not online much I guess. Yeah SAlt advocates were shocking at a refugee rally I went to. Even after giving me pamphlets and telling me about all the meetings and me telling them I already supported them, they wouldn't leave me alone, even after multiple hints. One put a red flag into my hand. Another woman kept talking and talking after someone next to us asked her to be quiet so he could hear the speaker on stage. Then when she continued raving I told her I really wanted to listen to the speakers, she continued to talk and ask me questions, staring at me. I literally had to drop the flag and walk away through the crowd to get away. It was horrible.
  6. Chambered Word
    Hey comrade, you don't seem online much. But anyway I hear SAlt seemed pretty bad at rallies you've been to, what was it that bothered you in particular?
  7. Leaf
    Ha yeah
  8. Chambered Word
    Raptor Jesus. This shit just got real man.
  9. Leaf
    Wollongong atm. Moving to sydney next year for uni hopefully
  10. Chambered Word
    I heard you were from Australia, whereabouts?
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