Conversation Between Coggeh and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
    Rorschach? The guy who melted someone's face with hot grease and then told an entire prison cafeteria that he wasn't locked in with them, but they, in fact, were locked in with him?

    Yeah he's pretty cool I'd say.
  2. Coggeh
    oh .... He's still cool though right ?
  3. #FF0000
    Yup. The magazine he sends his journal to before heading to Antarctica is basically a neo-fascist rag in the comic.
  4. Coggeh
    He tells stuff like he see's its .. can't blame him after the whole dog and girl thing

    Is he right wing in general in the comics ?
  5. #FF0000
    Hahaha he definitely is.

    It's unfortunate that he's a radical right-winger, though.
  6. Coggeh
    I just saw the movie , wtf like , rorshach is the shit btw he's so cool
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