Conversation Between Forward Union and NoOneIsIllegal

  1. Forward Union
    That said, I am aware of the recent reforms in the CNT, that it has taken steps to get rid of some of its political dogmas and re organise industrially, but it's so small, and marginal in Spain that I'm not sure I really see the point.
  2. Forward Union
    Well. I was probably exaggerating slightly, of course I am glad that the IWW has fraternal associations with the CNT etc. But as they are politically Anarcho-Syndicalists, and memebrs of the IWA, I of course have al the standard criticisms that Syndicalists, (as well as Anarchists) have of trying to merge Political and Mass organisations. Because they act as an ideological group, they compete with other unions for members rather than build the general power of the working class.

    Take the Spanish CGT instead, a far far larger Syndicalist Union, and one with much better international relations with the SAC, IWW etc. They don't require any ideological commitments from their members, and also represent workers from other unions through the labour boards they run and administer. I far prefer that kind of model to an exclusive political one.
  3. NoOneIsIllegal
    I really appreciate your posts, they're very informing. You mentioned in one post you completely disagreed with the CNT model entirely? I was wondering if you could expand on that (briefly or deeply, take your pick). Thanks.
  4. Forward Union
    If you have any specific questions about the SAC, send me a PM and i'll do my best to reply in full!
  5. NoOneIsIllegal
    If you ever have any important updates on the SAC, don't hesitate to post it I'd love to hear or learn more about them, but my knowledge is limited, as a lot of their stuff is posted in Swedish (for a while, I think Jurko or someone else was translating their documents...) The wondeful book "Black Flame" (the best anarchist book from the last 50 years) barely mentioned SAC in terms of ideology/tactics, so I'm hoping part 2 of the series will detail more about their history and struggles
  6. Forward Union
    ha ha nice, SAC are a good bunch
  7. NoOneIsIllegal
    Saw your organizations info, so I thought I'd show you my arm:

    (Didn't want to spam your page with a big photo)
    Solidarity my friend!
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