Conversation Between AGITprop and Holden Caulfield

  1. its a modern classic,
  2. lol one day
  3. you need to watch it, all will become clear,
  4. We've been over this.

    I have not.
  5. wouldnt you like to know,

    have you not see 'south park the movie'?!?!
  6. LOOOOOOOOOL WTF is that?

  7. i like your CC pics, i found one of you and Oix3 on the internet tho, must of been taken just after you got into the CC

  8. for fun, he is one of your sort.. a flappy head,
    i didnt realise...
  9. WHY are you talking shit about me to globalcommie?

    I'm gonna kick ur arse!

    I'm weird?
    Ur the one who wears women's clothing...
  10. yeah give enuf abuse and you will be promoted in no time, lol,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21