Conversation Between MilitantAnarchist and Mälli

  1. Mälli
    why is that? are you syndicalist?
  2. No, of course its not, thats my beef
  3. Mälli
    yeah ok, but isn't anarchism truely communism? like if you go back to basics
  4. I put that in my profile after a heated argument a while back... Anarcho Communism is by name is even contradictory, and what i've learned from anarchists i know, isn't what i seem to hear from 'anarcho communists' here.
  5. Mälli
    same here, but what does that have to do with hateing anarcho commies and everyone else, than just anarchists.
  6. I dont like any form of oppression
  7. Mälli
    why dont you like communists or socialists?
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