Conversation Between NewLeft and Le Rouge

  1. NewLeft
    It's smooth sailing from here. Looking forward from here on in.. Don't you just wanna shot me? I'm worried about you tho!
  2. Le Rouge
    Life's good. Except school. I think i will fail more than one classe. DAMN! :P How about you?
  3. NewLeft
    Yeah.. How's life Lil?
  4. Le Rouge
    That's too bad. I just hope Charest gets kicked out. Though, the person who will replace him will not necessarily be on our side.
  5. NewLeft
    Hey lil rougie. I know.. The students are becoming disillusioned?
  6. Le Rouge
    Hey dude! What's up? The students movement is slowly vanishing...
  7. NewLeft
    You play Reach?
  8. Le Rouge
    Le rouge uses *evade*
  9. NewLeft
    Hey Le Rouge.. Nice briefcase you got there..

  10. Le Rouge
    Oh gawd. I am a bourgie now? Ok then... GET BACK TO WORK YOU LAZY PIG!
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