Conversation Between InTheMatterOfBoots and The Feral Underclass

  1. InTheMatterOfBoots
    This board reads like a public archive of Tat's political tantrums. It's amazing.
  2. Oh, I found it. It means 'to emit light'.
  3. Where did I use the word coruscating?
  4. InTheMatterOfBoots
    What the hell is "coruscating"? I actually had to look it up and still don't understand what it means... And you accuse me of using alienating language :P
  5. That's his style. If he doesn't understand something, he just claims you both think the same thing and by doing so missing the central theme of your entire argument.
  6. InTheMatterOfBoots
    It's difficult to conduct a debate with TLS when he insists so often that he is in agreement with you when in fact he is not.
  7. I wondered for a split second what you were on about.

    Fair do's.
  8. InTheMatterOfBoots
    I think because I haven't been on for such a long time I must have lost it. I'm not too fussed about it right now, might want it later.
  9. You've wiped the floor in the dual power debate.

    How come you're not in CC anymore?
  10. Put £20 into my account please. I'm skint.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 47
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