Conversation Between core_1 and The Ben G

  1. core_1
    oh haha sorry i've already asked you right well good luck with that
  2. The Ben G
    Yes I do. Me and The Duck that Goes quack kinda kickstarted it.
  3. core_1
    hey man cheers for the add. I see you're a member of the anrchist and the trot group. I'm interested in this new 'anarcho-trotskyism' concept that seems to be springing up. Do you consider yourself one?
  4. The Ben G
    You could probobly google it. Its not very "mainstream", though, so I dont know if an internets would have it. Maybe anarchopedia would have something on it.
  5. core_1
    hi mate anarcho-trotskyism sounds interesting. Could you point me in the direction of any related information on the net?
  6. core_1
    'tis a dam fine show lol
  7. The Ben G
    Nice Picture. I Love the Young ones.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7