Conversation Between cenv and praxis1966

  1. cenv
    cool. My name IRL is Niels.
  2. praxis1966
    That's cool. Maybe when you come back. No pressure, though. I wouldn't want you to feel like I was some sort of cyber-stalker or something. What's your name IRL? Mine's Nevin, btw.
  3. cenv
    thanks for the invite! I'm actually leaving to visit Pennsylvania late tonight / early tomorrow, so the timing doesn't work out...
  4. praxis1966
    Right on. I dunno if you're comfortable kickin' it with some weirdo from the intranets that you barely know, but I'm thinking of going to the Wobs mixer next Monday night. It's up in Berkeley, though, so I'm not sure if you have the time or inclination to making the hike. Supposedly, they use it as a way for new and prospective members to meet established members and find out more about how they work. Seeing as how I'm unemployed anyway, I figured 'What's the harm?'
  5. cenv
    Nah, not right now. I was a member of the Communist League / Communist Workers League for a couple years, and I had a brief stint with the WSA, but lately I've decided to take a break from group membership. All the arguing about petty internal issues, writing the same articles over and over, and never really getting anywhere got kinda old. ;P Still, I've been on the lookout for interesting groups active in the bay area.
  6. praxis1966
    Yeah, I suppose you're right. You currently affiliated with anyone local?
  7. cenv
    yeah, IWW seems really active around here. I've run into a lot of IWW members at protests, in other groups, etc. You could always try shooting them an email / getting in touch with them before going to one of the meetings!
  8. praxis1966
    Nope. I'd like to be, but it's kinda weird. I'd love to join the Berkeley IWW, as they meet in a bookshop like the 3rd Thursday of every month. But you never know whether or not you'll be well received just walking into something like that.
  9. cenv
    hi comrade! are you part of any groups here in the bay area?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9